SDG16: Better data for ensuring no one is left behind

SDG16 Data Initiative 2023 at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)
In September 2015, leaders of the world called for a ‘new chapter’ in global development to be achieved by 2030 through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ranging from ending poverty to taking urgent action to promote climate change. Today, we have reached the halfway point and many challenges remain, so no one is left behind. One key condition for achieving all SDGs consists in the promotion of “peace, justice and strong institutions” (Sustainable Development Goal 16).
In this event, the SDG16 Data Initiative will provide an outlook on the situation on SDG16 and compare the outlook based on current official indicators with non-official data. Participants will also provide recommendations for improving data coverage, using complementary data sources, having better indicators and of course, for meeting SDG16.
- What is the importance of SDG16 and its linkages with other SDGs?
- What is the state of the world according to official and non-official data on SDG 16?
- How can data help us obtain better information and with it, improve our understanding of the value of SDG16 for sustainable development?
- Which are key recommendations to strengthen work towards the achievement of SDG16?
Join our expert panelists to discuss these and other key questions in this virtual discussion on 12 July 2023 at 1:15-2:30 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
About the SDG16 Data Initiative
The SDG16 Data Initiative is a consortium of 17 organizations seeking to support the open tracking of the global commitments made by more than 194 countries on peace, justice, and strong institutions. The initiative aims to complement the current efforts underway to develop an official indicator framework for monitoring the SDGs.The SDG16 Data Initiative, formed by a group of organizations with expertise in these areas, aims to draw on available data to help countries get started with monitoring SDG16. To this end, we include both global and complementary indicators, presented with official and unofficial data. The process also seeks to identify potential challenges in data quality, availability, and coverage that need to be addressed.