Regional Dialogue for Climate Deliberation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our time, which will determine the fate of coming generations on our planet. Climate action since the 2015 Paris Agreement shows that while solutions are available, neither ambition nor implementation are progressing at the required pace. Democratic institutions must adapt not only to protect societies and the environment, but also since climate change poses an existential risk to democracy. Democracy will struggle to remain a credible and legitimate political system if it does not promote effective solutions to the climate crisis.
Climate assemblies are an example of innovation that includes citizens directly in developing climate policy, and have the potential to raise climate ambition and strengthen the legitimacy of the difficult policy choices involved in the transition towards net zero. Climate assemblies can also turn protest demands into actionable recommendations and help build social mandates for change.
Against this background, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and International IDEA's Climate Change and Democracy Programme organise a high-profile dialogue, exploring the potential of climate assemblies in the Global South, and in Africa in particular, as one solution to increase democratic legitimacy of climate policies. Earlier this year, International IDEA also published a report on Deliberative Democracy and Climate Change: Exploring the Potential of Climate Assemblies in the Global South.
Event speakers:
- Dr. Bonny Ibhawoh, Senator William McMaster Chair in Global Human Rights, McMaster University; Expert-Rapporteur, UN Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, UN-OHCHR; Project Director, Participedia
- Dr. Brenda Ogembo, Democracy and Governance Expert; Principal Clerk Assistant and Deputy Head of the Senate Liaison office at the Parliament of Kenya
- Ms. Kira Alberts, Associate Researcher, Centre for Research on Democracy, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- Mr. David Ombisi, Programme Management Officer, UNEP Africa, Civil Society Unit
This is an in-person only event. To register for participation, please email Beatrice Otieno ( For further information, please contact Michele Poletto (