Gender Quotas Database

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Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic


Dominican Republic has a Bicameral parliament with legislated quotas for the single/lower house and at the sub-national level. 70 of 170 (41%) seats in the Cámara de Diputados / Chamber of Deputies are held by women.

At a glance

Structure of parliament Bicameral

Are there legislated quotas

For the Single / Lower house? Yes
For the Upper house? No
For the Sub-national level? Yes

Are there voluntary quotas?

Adopted by political parties? No
Is there additional information? Yes

Single / Lower House

Cámara de Diputados / Chamber of Deputies

Upper House

Senado / Senate

Quota at the Sub-National Level

Voluntary Political Party Quotas*

* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.

Additional information

In 1997, Electoral Law No. 275 imposed a 25 per cent quota for women among candidates for elective positions. After the elections in 1998, leaders of political parties negotiated with the Central Electoral Commission that this provision would be interpreted as the obligation to guarantee that women's representation at the national level would not be less than 25 per cent (or 45 of the 179 total number of seats for both houses of parliament). This decision, in effect, removed the burden for each individual party to guarantee 25 per cent women among their parliamentary delegations. In 2000, amendments to the electoral law increased the quota provision to 33 per cent,. In 2002 the legislated candidate quota requirement for the Senate was revoked.

Although elections were planned for May 2020, they have been postponed due to COVID-19 until the 5th of July.


Legal Sources:

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Additional reading

  • See the latest updates on Dominican Republic on iKNOW Politics
  • Morgan, J. , Espinal, R., & Hartlyn, J. (2008). Gender Politics in the Dominican Republic: Advances for Women, Ambivalence from Men. Politics & Gender. 4. 35 - 63. doi:10.1017/S1743923X08000020.
  • Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean: Dominican Republic (Official website)
  • Htun, Mala N. 2002. Women in Political Power in Latin America. Manuscript.
  • Htun, Mala N. and Mark P. Jones. 2002. ‘Engendering the Right to Participate in Decision-Making: Electoral Quotas and Women's Leadership in Latin America’, in Nikki Craske and Maxine Molyneux(eds) Gender and the Politics of Rights and Democracy in Latin America. New York: Palgrave. pp. 32-56
  • Peschard, Jacqueline. 2002. The quota system in Latin America: General review. Manuscript.
  • Jimenez Polanco, Jacqueline. 2001. ‘La représentation politique des femmes en Amérique Latine: Une analyse comparée’ (Women's political representation in Latin America: a comparative analysis). Bérengère Marques-Pereira and Patricio Nolasco (eds)  La représentation politique des femmes en Amérique Latine (Women's political representation in Latin America). Brussels: L'Harmattan. pp. 27-81.
  • Women's Leadership Conference of the Americas. 2001. Women and Power in the Americas: A Report Card. Washington: Women's Leadership Conference of the Americas.
  • Htun, Mala N. 1998. Women's Political Participation, Representation and Leadership in Latin America. Issue Brief, Women's Leadership Conference of the Americas.

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