Promoting citizen accountability in Haiti through multimedia content

Through its work in Haiti, International IDEA is supporting state institutions responsible for promoting and monitoring good governance in raising awareness by producing multimedia content to be aired through national and community radio stations.
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Good governance and efficient management of public resources are one of the cornerstones of sustainable development. In order to promote this ideal, International IDEA in Haiti is working with state institutions in the country, especially with the local elected representatives, to raise awareness on the importance of citizen accountability.
In an effort to highlight the issue of citizen accountability, International IDEA has supported the production and dissemination of five audio capsules (15 minutes each) describing the role of five public institutions responsible for controlling public affairs, including the General Inspectorate of Finance, the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA), the National Commission of Public Contracts (CNMP), the Financial Crime Intelligence Unit (UCREF) and the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC). The capsules will be aired in national as well as community radio stations in Haiti in the coming months. The primary intent of the capsules is to raise awareness among the citizens and local authorities about their respective rights and duties and take concrete steps in order to create better synergies in terms of coordinating and exchanging information.
In addition, International IDEA, in partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland in Haiti, will host a two-day experience sharing workshop in September seeking to promote a genuine and constructive dialogue between civil society stakeholders and local governments on democratic accountability in service delivery. These initiatives are part of a wider programme that promotes democratic accountability at the local level. In April, International IDEA designed a curriculum and provided training on results-based management, transparency and accountability to female mayors in Haiti.