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BRIDGE Workshop on Strategic Planning in Lesotho

May 09, 2016

Starting today, staff of the Independent Electoral Commission of Lesotho (IEC) will meet up in Maseru for a five-day BRIDGE workshop on strategic planning. The workshop takes place in the context of the IEC’s engagement to develop a new strategic plan foreseen to guide the EMBs work in the coming years.

The training will gather IEC directors, managers and officers from both HQ and district offices to explore concepts and processes for EMB strategic planning. Notably, the workshop will also pilot the new BRIDGE curricula on strategic planning which was developed earlier this year.

The workshop is organized by International IDEA in collaboration with the AU Department of Political Affairs in the context of the AU-IDEA Joint Activity Plan (JAP) and financed by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections – remains the world’s foremost training curriculum on electoral processes. BRIDGE training courses use an activity-based approach that maximizes retention of knowledge and skills learned. In addition, the courses are designed to promote or reinforce professional confidence, ethics, understanding of principles of best electoral practice, and access to networks of peers.

BRIDGE is a partnership gathering five leading organizations working in the elections field, namely International IDEA, UNDP, the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division, IFES and the Australian Electoral Commission.

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