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Workshop on the implementation of national plans to promote women's participation in political parties

19 October 2017
Tunis, Tunisia
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Participants from previous multiparty workshop took place between July-September 2017. Photo credit: Hamza Amor


Within the joint International IDEA-NIMD project “Respect for women’s political rights: fostering Political Environments for Equal Participation and Leadership of Women in Political Parties”, workshops were held with six Tunisian political parties, between July and September 2017, to assist them in developing national action plans to promote women political participation within their ranks.

These workshops were organized in the final months of the a four-year project. The partner political parties expressed during previous activities, their need to work on their structure: including the ability to draft party policies, design strategies, mobilize members and develop proper internal rules and regulations. 

Following to these multiparty approach which assessed the implementation of the action plans, a finalizing workshop is to be held on19 October 2017, as follows:


  • Assess the implementation of the national action plans to promote women political participation developed by Tunisian political parties between July-September 2017;
  • Evaluate the impact of respect of women's political rights in the last four years; and
  • Assess the needs of Tunisian political parties for further cooperation in 2018.


18 representatives (male and female) of Tunisian political parties.


International IDEA office, Tunis

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