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Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward

13 December 2022
10:00-14:00 CET
Hybrid, Brussels

The first Summit for Democracy (S4D) and Year of Action has put the spotlight on democracy at a critical time, it has engaged leaders to formulate domestic and external commitments on democracy and human rights.

This dialogue seeks to clarify the opportunities created by the S4D process beyond its current timeline, how to build on contributions through the democracy cohorts and how the impact of the works and achievements can be maximized beyond the second summit. Based on lessons learnt, it will look at good practices with regards to the identification of commitments by governments and the involvement of CSOs in the process. It will look at the added value of cohorts as a means to take concerted action towards commitment implementation, and the dynamics of bringing governments and CSOs together to shape future action on commitments. In that regard, the dialogue will examine the role that can be played by EU Member States, for instance through various bilateral initiatives in the aftermaths of the second S4D. 

The S4D Year of Action Dialogue will bring governments and civil society together in a Team Europe spirit to take stock on the good practices of the implementation process so far, lessons learnt and identify ways forward after the Year of Action. 

The Dialogue will have the following specific objectives: 

  • To identify good practices of the S4D process, including the involvement of civil society.
  • To assess the added value of democracy cohorts as a means to create consorted efforts to step up implementation of commitments.
  • To explore, based on the S4D process, possible future approaches by EU Member States, EU institutions and various initiatives to further strengthen democracy and democratic processes.
  • To discuss further opportunities for engagement during the Year of Action and the S4D, including through the Team Europe Democracy initiative.
  • To acquire civil society perspectives on their role in the Year of Action and in the second summit. 
  • To exchange ideas and foster engagement of EU Member States during the Year of Action.



On 13 December, watch the event LIVE on International IDEA's YouTube channel,

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