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How are female politicians of Fiji treated on Facebook

20 May 2021
14:00 Fiji Time
Zoom and Facebook Live
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Online violence against women   

Discussion on the report :  How are  female politicians of Fiji treated on Facebook.

Women are under-represented in Fijian politics. Reasons for low number of women in politics relate to political and cultural factors. Once elected, women continue to encounter challenges and obstacles to work effectively. Increasingly, political violence against women is featuring on social medial platforms too.

"It struck me to find out how (badly) women are treated on social media. As a pilot effort, International IDEA is working together with MEMO 98, a Slovak-based non-profit media-monitoring organization, to analyse how women politicians are treated on social media in Fiji." ,  Adhy Aman, Senior Programme Officer, International IDEA.

This webinar will examine the report on How are Women Politicians of Fiji treated on Facebook. The discussion will also investigate what can be done  in order to improve how women politicians are treated on social media.

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