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Democracy is only alive when young people are full participants and equal leaders
March 22, 2023
• By
Lisa-Marie Dalke
Kevin Casas-Zamora's message for the #SummitforDemocracy Costa Rica Regional Summit.

On 21 October 2022, STED invited representatives of Moldovan civil society and government to the country-level Dialogue "What now? Supporting the Summit for Democracy process in Moldova.". The Dialogue explored Moldova’s Summit commitments, with a particularly focus on anti-corruption.

Participants of the Dialogue in Moldova discuss how to draft model commitments on elections and youth political participation.

“I hope that the most inclusive elements of the Summit for Democracy can be sustained. Because just as civil society has been critical for the success of the Summit, so too is civil society critical for the success of democracy.”, Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General of International IDEA.

Julia Keutgen, STED Programme Manager, presents International IDEA’s research on the work of the 16 Democracy Cohorts. The Cohorts bring together a diverse group of stakeholders from government and civil society to support the implementation of Summit for Democracy commitments in their area of interest.

International IDEA is a proud co-lead of the Youth Democracy Cohort, together with the European Commission, EPD, EDYN, Africtivistes, Costa Rica, Nepal, and Ghana. The co-leads introduce the Cohort’s initiatives to promote youth political and civic engagement globally.

Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, International IDEA’s Senior Advisor for Democracy and Inclusion, explains why gender equality is a prerequisite for democracy. International IDEA is the co-lead of the Gender Cohort, together with the Georgetown University, Romania, and Sweden.

Civil society representatives at the Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2023 share why their organisation joined the Summit Democracy process.

Civil society representatives at the Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2023 exchange idea on how to ensure accountability of countries’ Summit commitments and how to create an inclusive Summit process.
The country-level Dialogue “What now? Supporting the Summit for Democracy process in Kenya” took place on 26 October 2022. Participants discussed the implementation of Kenya’s Summit commitments.
The Dialogue was opened by Line Urban, European Union Delegation to Kenya, and Frankline Mukwanja, Centre for Multiparty Democracy Kenya. They emphasized the importance of engaging the youth in public participation in a meaningful manner.

On 18 October 2022, participants of the country-level Dialogue “What now? Supporting the Summit for Democracy process in Paraguay.” analysed Paraguay’s Summit commitments. The Dialogue focused on youth political participation and electoral integrity.
On 18 October 2022, participants of the country-level Dialogue “What now? Supporting the Summit for Democracy process in Paraguay.” analysed Paraguay’s Summit commitments. The Dialogue focused on youth political participation and electoral integrity.

Annika Silva-Leander of International IDEA speaks on a panel with moderator Sanjeeta Pant of Accountability Lab, Gina Romero of the Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia, and Jimmy Kande of the Pan-African Anti-Corruption Network.

Johnny Walsh of the White House National Security Council speaking offered reflections after a forum panel.

Kourtney Pompi, Counterpart’s director for civic engagement, moderates a panel at the Global Democracy Coalition Forum.

Ambassador Norm Eisen of the Brookings Institution presented at the Global Democracy Coalition Forum at Counterpart’s office.