The Road to Indonesia's 2019 Legislative and Presidential Elections

Indonesia will hold simultaneous elections for the presidency and legislatures at the national, provincial and district levels, and also the Regional Representative Council (DPD) on 17 April 2019. These will be the most complex elections in the nation’s history. It will be the first time that presidential and legislative elections are held at the same time and the likely impact of parallel campaigning is much debated among scholars. Similarly, the role of social media, the use of religious and ethnic sentiment, as well as economic growth and inequality, are likely to feature prominently in the long campaign.
In this seminar, officials and experts are to present and discuss about preparations for and challenges of the elections, and including related regulatory reforms. The panel comprises of Adhy Aman, Senior Programme Manager International IDEA, Dr Hasyim Asyari, Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Commissioner, and Dr Fritz Siregar, Bawaslu (Indonesian Electoral Supervisory Body).