Carlos González Martínez
Carlos González Martínez
Carlos González Martínez was the Project Manager for technical assistance to the Electoral Tribunal of Panama at the International IDEA Office in Panama.
González Martínez is also professor of the Master's in Electoral Law at the Universidad Michoacana in San Nicolás de Hidalgo and the Fundación Ortega y Gasset de España in Mexico, where he teaches the Master's in Government. González Martínez is a specialist with more than twenty years of experience in electoral issues, transparency, training and citizen participation. He has held positions of high responsibility in autonomous constitutional bodies that guarantee the fundamental human rights of citizens, such as the three Mexican federal electoral institutions and the Electoral Institute of Mexico City, as well as international organizations that promote democracy and electoral and participatory innovation.
He has been a consultant on electoral and democratic governance issues for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Mexico, the United Nations Fund for Democracy (UNDF), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International DEA). He has participated as a speaker in international events of the Hewlett Foundation (USA), the National Democratic Institute (NDI-USA), the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (Spain), the Swiss Foundation for Democracy and Democracy International (Germany), among others.
He is a member of Nosotrxs, Mexico, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Society for Electoral Studies (SOMEE) and of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Association of Political Sciences (AMECIP) in Mexico City. He is a founding member of the Red Cívica of councillors and former local electoral councillors where he is the first Honorary Member of his Civil Association; member of the Editorial Committee of the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM); and member of the College of Research Professors with Formal Academic Activities in Foreign Universities of Excellence (COPUEX), the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy and the International Observatory for Participatory Democracy (OIDP), based in Barcelona, Spain.
You can follow his Twitter account: @CGMXRedes