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Presentation of Policy Recommendations -Traditional Justice and Reconciliation After Violent Conflict: Learning from African Experiences

Speech delivered: February 06, 2008 • By Mark Salter
Event: Launch of International IDEA’s publication “Traditional Justice and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict – Learning from African Experiences”,Location: Brussels, Belgium

The heart of the report Reconciliation and Traditional Justice After Violent Conflict is a series of case studies – of Uganda, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Rwanda, Mozambique and Liberia - using an agreed common methodology of assessment and approach.

These countries were selected on the basis of the fact that all have recently experienced violent conflict, and are in different ways attempting to address its many legacies.

Based on the findings of the country case studies the report outlines a series of policy-directed conclusions and recommendations. The recommendations are addressed to a variety of audiences notably: national stakeholders, external donor agencies and the international community at large, the United Nations in particular.


About the authors

Mark Salter
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