2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates?




Article 26

1. Donations may not be accepted from:
a) natural and legal persons of foreign countries, international organisations and movements, except for the organisation of lectures, workshops and other related public activities;
a 1) deleted - 29.7.2013, No 900);
b) state bodies, state organisations, legal persons under public law, state-owned enterprises, except for the cases set out in this Law;
c) non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal persons and religious organisations, except for the organisation of lectures, workshops and other related public activities;
d) stateless persons;
e) anonymous persons.
Source: საქართველოს ორგანული კანონი „მოქალაქეთა პოლიტიკური გაერთიანებების შესახებ“, 26-ე მუხლის, 1 პუნქტის, „ა“ ქვეპუნქტი, 1997
[Article 26 (1, a), Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens, 1997.]"


The Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens (1997) imposes general rules on political donations, which apply to both political parties and candidates, except for the cases set out directly in this Law.

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