1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?




Article 26

1. Donations may not be accepted from:
a) natural and legal persons of foreign countries, international organisations and movements, except for the organisation of lectures, workshops and other related public activities;
a 1) deleted - 29.7.2013, No 900);
b) state bodies, state organisations, legal persons under public law, state-owned enterprises, except for the cases set out in this Law;
c) non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal persons and religious organisations, except for the organisation of lectures, workshops and other related public activities;
d) stateless persons;
e) anonymous persons.
Source: საქართველოს ორგანული კანონი „მოქალაქეთა პოლიტიკური გაერთიანებების შესახებ“, 26-ე მუხლის, 1 პუნქტის, „ა“ ქვეპუნქტი, 1997
[Article 26 (1, a), Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens, 1997.]"


There is a ban.

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