52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?




Section 4. Gifts (Donations)
(3) The political organisation (party) shall, within 15 days after a gift (donation) has been received,
inform the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau thereof using the Electronic Data Input System.
The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall publish information on its website regarding the
gifts (donations) received by a political organisation (party). The information to be indicated in the report of
a political organisation (party) and the procedures for the submission thereof, as well as the procedures by
which information regarding the gifts (donations) received by a political organisation (party) shall be
published and the content of this information shall be determined by the Cabinet.
Law on Financing of Political Organisations (Parties) Article 4 (3).


15 days after the receipt of a donation, a political party sends information to the oversight institution on all received donations via electronic data input system.

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