28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?



Yes, both regularly and in relation to campaigns

...the support granted by the State to political parties in accordance with the provisions of this organic law; ...the support allocated to political parties to contribute to the financing of their electoral campaigns within the framework general municipal, regional and legislative elections,... he electoral alliances (the lists of candidates presented by the unions of the political parties) are also eligible for state funding during elections and allocated grant in accordance with Art. 32. The amount is distributed equally among these parties.

Articles 31 and 34, Loi organique n° 07-21 modifiant la loi organique n° 29-11 relative aux partis politiques, http://www.sgg.gov.ma/BO/bo_fr/2021/BO_7000_Fr.pdf 

Art.  55-1., Organic Law n° 33-15 supplementing and amending Organic Law No. 29-11 relating to political parties, https://pnct.ma/ar/node/2648

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