43. Are there limits on the amount that third parties can spend on election campaign activities?



Yes, third parties banned from campaign spending


Article 5, Article 27, Political Donations Act



Article 5, Political Donations Act
The individuals or associations that may accept political donations are limited to political parties, political associations and the persons planning to participate in campaign.

Article 27, Political Donations Act
Anyone who accepts political donations infringing any of the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 2 of Article 9 or Article 12, shall be fined a sum doubling the amount of the donations accepted.
The spouse, children, relatives within the second relative rank, or dependents sharing properties and living together of the persons planning to participate in campaign, who accepts political donations infringing the provision of Article 5, shall be fined a sum tripling the amount of the donations accepted.
The political donations illegally accepted as referred to in the 2 preceding Paragraphs shall be confiscated, and if the full or a part of the donations cannot be confiscated, a sum equal to the price shall be replevied.

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