30. What is the allocation calculation for political parties to receive public funding?



Proportional to votes received Flat rate by votes received Proportional to seats received Share of expenses reimbursed

Article 89, The Electoral Code, 2020;   Article 19, The Law on Political Parties, 2020


Ky fond ndahet sipas rregullave të mëposhtme:
a) 70 për qind, sipas numrit të deputetëve të fituar në zgjedhjet e fundit parlamentare. Çdo parti parlamentare përfiton ndihmë financiare në përputhje me numrin e deputetëve që ka fituar në bazë të sistemit zgjedhor të parashikuar në Kodin Zgjedhor;
b) 20 për qind, në mënyrë të barabartë, ndërmjet partive parlamentare dhe partive që kanë marrë mbi 10 mijë vota në zgjedhjet e fundit parlamentare.
c) 10 për qind, sipas përqindjes së fituar ndërmjet partive politike që kanë marrë pjesë në zgjedhjet e fundit parlamentare dhe kanë fituar mbi 1 për qind të votave në shkallë vendi. 

The fund shall be divided according to the following rules:
a) 70 percent shall be divided according to the number of seats obtained in the last parliamentary elections. Each party sitting in parliament shall be entitled to financial aid in accordance with the number of seats obtained based on the proportional system;
b) 20 percent shall be divided equally among parliamentary parties and the parties which have received more than 10 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections;
c) 10 percent shall be divided according to the percentage obtained among [by] the political parties that took part in the last parliamentary elections and obtained over 1 percent of the votes. The non-allocated remainder of the 10 percent shall be added to the 70 percent fund and it shall be divided among parliamentary parties.

In addition,  under art. 89 other parties that did not receive funds under art. 88 are entitled to get expenses reimbursed if they receive over 1% of votes in the upcoming elections. 

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