29. What are the eligibility criteria for political parties to receive public funding?



  • Share of votes in previous election
  • Share of votes in next election
  • Share of seats in previous election

Article 88 and 89, The Electoral Code, 2020;   Article 19, The Law on Political Parties, 2020


Political parties participating in elections, which obtained not less than 1% of votes at a national level in the last elections of the same type, shall benefit State budget funds based on the number of votes that each party received in those elections. Funds for this purpose shall be defined in an Assembly decision and comprise a separate budget item in the State Budget of the corresponding electoral year. This fund may not be less than the total amounts distributed to political parties in the previous elections.

Funds are divided as follows:

a) 70 percent, according to the number of deputies won in the last parliamentary elections. Any party Parliamentary receives financial assistance in accordance with the number of deputies it has won on the basis of the electoral system provided for in the Electoral Code;
b) 20 percent, equally, between the parliamentary parties and the parties that have taken over 10 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections.
c) 10 percent, according to the percentage won among the political parties that have participated in the elections last parliamentary and won over 1 percent of the vote nationwide.

In addition,  under art. 89 other parties that did not receive funds under art. 88 are entitled to get expenses reimbursed if they receive over 1% of votes in the upcoming elections. 

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