1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?




Article 21, Law on Political Parties, updated 2020; Article 92/1, The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania,2020


Ndalohet ndihma financiare dhe materiale nga qeveri dhe nga ente publike ose private të huaja, si dhe nga ente vendase publike ose me pjesëmarrje të kapitalit shtetëror. Lejohen dhuratat dhe ndihmat që vijnë nga parti ose bashkime ndërkombëtare partish, nga organizata e fondacione politike, vendase e të huaja, si dhe nga individë, persona fizikë e juridikë privatë vendas.   

Financial assistance and materials from foreign public or private entities and from government is prohibited, or from Albanian public entities or those with the participation of state capital. Gifts and assistance that come from a party or international union of parties, from political foundations and organizations, Albanian and foreign, and from individuals who are Albanian private natural and juridical persons is permitted. Electoral subjects and their candidates may receive funds for the purposes of their electoral campaigns only from domestic natural or legal persons. For the purposes of this law, an Albanian citizen who resides outside the territory of the Republic of Albania shall also be considered a domestic natural person.

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