36. Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties tied to gender equality among candidates?

Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of


(1) Political parties have the right to receive annual funding from the state budget through the Central Electoral Commission. The regulation on the financing of political parties, including the calculation methodology, is approved by the Central Electoral Commission. The amount of the allocations for this purpose is approved in the annual budget law, the percentage quota constituting 0.1% of the state budget revenues, except for the special purpose revenues provided by the legislation, and is distributed as follows:
a) 30% - political parties in proportion to the performances obtained in the parliamentary elections;
b) 30% - political parties in proportion to the performances obtained in the general local elections;
c) 15% - political parties in proportion to the performances obtained in the presidential elections;
d) 7.5% - political parties in proportion to the women actually elected in the parliamentary elections;
e) 7.5% - political parties in proportion to the women actually elected in the local elections;
f) 5% - political parties in proportion to the young people actually elected in the parliamentary elections;
g) 5% - political parties in proportion to the young people actually elected in the local elections.
(2) In the case of electoral blocs, the allowance shall be divided according to the prior agreement between the members of the electoral bloc or, in the absence of an agreement, according to the number of mandates obtained by each component.
Source: Art. 27(1-2), Law on Political Parties, 2007 (amended 2020)

(2(1)) 20% of the value of the annual allowances from the state budget will be used to promote and encourage women's participation in political and electoral processes, and 10% of the amount of allowances received will be used to promote and encourage young people in political processes and electoral. In the case of political parties in which there are women's and youth organizations, these funds will be managed by the organizations concerned.
Source: Art. 28(1(1)), Law on Political Parties, 2007 (amended 2020)

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