9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?




Lei dos partidos politicos nr. 9,096, 1995.


Article 31. A political party may not receive contributions, monetary aid or any form of aid with value in currency, be it directly or indirectly or in any form or guise, including through advertising of any kind, if such contributions or aid originate from: Lei 9,504/1997, Article 24: donations forbidden for parties and candidates for election campaigns. I - foreign entities or governments; FC/88, Article 17, II. II - public authorities or agencies, except for the allocations referred to in Article 38;  TSE Res. No. 21,841/2004, Article 5, paragraph 1: the prohibition does not reach political agents and civil servants affiliated to political parties invested in offices, functions, mandates or commissions due to nomination, election, appointment or delegation to the exercise of constitutional powers. See, however, TSE Res. No. 22,025/2005: "(...) The prohibition of item II, Article 31 of Lei 9,096/1995 is valid for contributions by individuals holding "cargo de confiança" or "função de confiança" positions (positions of trust for Brazilian civil service), calculated as a percentage of remuneration received and collected by the party as a payroll discount. (...) establishes a prohibition to make contributions for holders of office with ad nutum dismissible positions bearing condition of authority. III - self-regulated public bodies, public companies or utilities, joint stock companies and foundations established in law and whose resources include funds from governmental bodies or agencies; TSE Res. 21,841/2004, Article 5, paragraph 2: "The foundations mentioned in section III include policy education/indoctrination and research institutes or foundations pursuant to Article 44, item IV, Lei 9,096/1995". See, however, TSE Dec of 9.FEB.2006 in Special Res. 25,559: "The contents of item III of Article 31 of Lei 9,096/1995, regarding foundations, must be observed considering foundations of public nature". See notes to Article 24, item III, of Lei 9,504/1997.

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