27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?




IFES, Lebanon’s 2017 Parliamentary Election Law 


"Article 59 requires each candidate and candidate list to provide the details of an electoral campaign bank account opened at a bank in Lebanon59 at the time of nomination or registration (para.[1]), and are deemed to have waived their right to bank secrecy concerning that account (para.[2]). All campaign contributions and election expenses must be received and paid through this account (para.[3]), using procedures established by the candidate or list, provided that a check must be used for any amount above one million Lebanese Pounds (para.[4]); this amount is about USD $660). Candidates and lists must also provide the Commission with the name of their auditor with their nomination or registration applications (para.[5]). Where “for reasons beyond their control” a candidate or list cannot open or use a bank account, funds for that election campaign must be deposited “in a public fund established by the Ministry of Finance, which shall replace the bank account in all aspects” (para.[6])"


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