Is e-voting currently used in any elections with EMB participation?
Times of Oman, Electronic voting system to be used for the first time in Shura elections, July 8, 2019, accessed 20 November 2019
“The system, called 'Sawtak', translates to 'your voice' and consists of a touch screen, in which the procedures and steps of the election are explained so that the voter can easily choose the candidate.”
Oman Daily, Online voting for Shura in Oman ends, 19/10/2019, accessed 20 November 2019
“Omani citizens living abroad and members of the election committees cast their ballot for the ninth term of Majlis Ash’shura elections through an application on their smartphones.”
Middle East Monitor, Oman: Shura Council elections start via electronic vote, 28 October, 2019, accessed 20 November 2019
“After the voting is over, the electronic voting forms printed through the device will be collected in ad hoc security envelopes and handed over to higher levels until it reaches the committee entrusted with pilling, sorting and subsequently announcing the results at a later date, which has not been specified yet.”