9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?




Section 44. Conflict of interest. "(1) The contracting authority shall act so as no conflict of interest occurs. In the case of the procedure under Section 42 or Section 43, the contracting authority shall request a written declaration from all committee members, invited experts or persons representing the contracting authority confirming that they have no conflict of interest. If the contracting authority finds out that a conflict of interest has occurred, it will adopt corrective measures to remove it.

(2) A conflict of interest means a situation where the interests of the persons that: a) are involved in the conduct of the procurement procedure, or b) have or could have an influence on the result of the procurement procedure, endanger their impartiality or independence in relation to the procurement procedure.

(3) For the purposes of this Act, a conflict of the persons stated under subsection (2) shall be understood as an interest in acquiring a personal advantage or reducing the property or other benefit of the contracting authority."

Source: Section 4, art. (1 - 3), The Act No. 134/2016 on Public Procurement, 2016


Couldn't find in the relevant legistation an explicit ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties. Still, the Law on Public Procurement contains a section that refers to the conflict of interests, which is supposed, in conjuction with the Act on Conflict of Interest, to cover tis type of situations.

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