5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties?




"A parliamentary party  groups or a party shall receive a donation directly or indirectly only from a registered voter".

Source: Article 8(d1), Parties Financing Law, 1973.

"The amounts a party received from The Histadrut to fund the election campaign of The Histadrut... will not be considered as a contribution... as long as the party didn't exceed article 7(d)". Article 7d states the expenditures ceiling for on-going activities allowed to a party.

Source: Article 17(a)(2), Parties Financing Law, 1973.


Basically, parties can recieve donations only from Israeli individuals. However, the General Labor Organization (The Histadrut) may give money to parties in order to help them finance their Hisdadrot election campaign , and, as long as the party doesn't exceed its expenditures ceiling for on-going (regular, not in relation to campaing) activities, it is not considered as a donation at all.

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