38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Congo, Democratic Republic of

Congo, Democratic Republic of



Article 88 'Is punished by a principal penal servitude of six months to five years and a fine of 100,000 to 500,000 Congolese francs constant, any person
who : 1. use threats, violence, insults to an elector or assault in order to determine it to refrain from taking vote or influence his choice; 2. hires, posts an individual or brings together a group of armed or not for the purpose of intimidating voters or disturbing the order before, during or after the vote; 3. commits or incites to commit violence in an office of vote. In the case of armed gangs or groups, the guilty parties are punished penalties provided by the Congolese penal code.

Loi Electorale , Fevrier 2006

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