47. Do political parties have to report regularly on their finances?




"Section 84       Money allocated under Section 83 shall be used for election campaign, political activities of political party, its branches, and delegations in each province under Section 23, the development of political party and the virtue and quality of its members, the promotion of knowledge about the democratic form of government with the King as Head of State, and any other activities prescribed by the Election Commission. After using for these activities, political party shall report the Election Commission every three months since the first day of allocation. No subsidy shall be spent under Section 88.

            For the benefit of the operation, a political party shall submit the details of spending to the Registrar prior to formal submission. Where the spending is not in accordance with the paragraph one, the Registrar shall notify political party.

            The Election Commission has the right to decide whether a political party shall spend subsidy proportionally or not.

            A political party shall not spend money allocated under paragraph one for the sake of the party administration or hiring the personnel or other activities in the same manner prescribed by the Election Commission except the case of allocation under Section 83 (4). That expenditure must be for the purpose of branch administration of political party.

            The Office of Election Commission shall monitor and evaluate the subsidy allocated under paragraph one as prescribed in the rules and procedures of the Election Commission."

Source: Section 84, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)

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