35. Are there provisions for any other form of indirect public funding?





Article 88. Financing of elections, referenda

1. Expenses for the preparation and conduct of elections, a nationwide referendum are financed from the State Budget of Turkmenistan.


3. The following expenditures are financed from the state budget of Turkmenistan and the budget of the Gengesh:

1) the production of printed materials and the implementation of publishing activities;

2) acquisition, delivery and installation of equipment, other material assets necessary for the conduct of elections, referendums and ensuring the operation of election commissions;

3) ensuring communication with election commissions (telephone, facsimile, postal, electronic), transportation costs associated with the preparation and conduct of elections, referendum;

4) delivery, storage of election documents, preparation for transfer to the archive or for destruction;

5) publication of lists of electoral districts and polling stations with indication of their boundaries, location, and the composition of precinct election commissions;

6) provision of free airtime, free print space to candidates, initiative groups of the referendum;

7) publication in the mass media of the messages of election commissions;

8) catering on the day of elections, referendum for members of election commissions (in the amount of per diem per person);

9) other expenses related to the preparation and conduct of elections, referendum, as well as ensuring the activities of election commissions.

Law of Turkmenistan on Political Parties, 2012 available at http://asgabat.net/stati/zakonodatelstvo-turkmenistana/zakon-turkmenistana-o-politicheskih-partijah.html  accessed January 2018).

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