48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?




Nauru does not have a political party system, so all members of Parliament are effectively independent members

Source: Parliament of Nauru webpage, http://www.naurugov.nr/parliament-of-nauru/about-parliament/who-comprises-parliament.aspx, accessed 2 January 2018

“The Electoral Act does not place restrictions on campaign spending,….”

Source: The Commonwealth (2016) Nauru General Election 9 July 2016 The Commonwealth Observer Mission Report  The Commonwealth, London

The Electoral Commission could consider developing a regulatory framework for campaign financing, to provide for greater transparency and accountability

Source: The Commonwealth (2016) Nauru General Election 9 July 2016 The Commonwealth Observer Mission Report, The Commonwealth, London



There is no political party system in Nauru and there is no regaultion of campaign financing

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