Is e-voting currently used in any elections with EMB participation?



No, e-voting is not used currently

Palau National Code

Article 1501
Official ballots required; specimen ballots; imitating.

1501.a All elections held in accordance with the provisions of this title shall be held by official ballot only. An official ballot is a written or printed, or partly written and partly printed paper, designated as an official ballot and containing the names of persons to be voted for and the office to be filled, and issued by the Election Commission. The Election Commission shall have printed two exact copies of each official ballot which is to be used in the general election, for each voting place, such copies to have printed thereon, in large bold letters, and with ink of a color plainly contrasting to the color of the paper used, the word "Specimen." Two copies of each such specimen ballots shall be forwarded to the members of the board of election at the same time with the official ballots and the member or members of the election board shall post one of each such specimen ballots on either side of the entrance of the voting place or other places plainly in sight for the general public.

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