Model of electoral management

ODIHR, Needs Assessment Mission Report, Czech Republic Parliamentary Elections, 8-9 October 2021, accessed 4 September 2021
“The elections are administered by multiple bodies and institutions at national, regional and local levels, including State Election Commission (SEC), MoI, Czech Statistical Office (CSO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), 14 Regional Offices, 6,254 municipalities and some 14,800 Polling Station Commissions (PSC). Voters abroad may vote in 109 polling stations established by the MFA. All ODIHR NAM interlocutors expressed full confidence and trust in the professionalism and impartiality of various state institutions dealing with the administration of elections.
The SEC is a permanent body composed of 10 members, half of them are currently women. The Minister of Interior chairs the SEC, and other SEC members represent ministries in charge of the electoral process, the office of the president, and the CSO. The SEC coordinates the conduct of elections, announces and publishes final results. Its meetings are not public contrary to previous ODIHR recommendation, although the ODIHR NAM was informed that the SEC may grant access to the sessions upon request of the stakeholder. Election contestants have no representation in the SEC.”
Multiple bodies are in charge of conducting elections: State Election Commission, the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Czech Statistical Office. From among these the State Election Commission is the highest election administration body, which performs the main coordination and supervisional tasks.