Electoral system for national legislature



  • FPTP
  • List PR

Madagascar, 2010 Constitution (Constitution de la IVe République), accessed 29 August 2024

Article 69: The members of the National Assembly are elected for five years by universal direct suffrage. The regime of the ballots is determined by an organic law. The members of the National Assembly bear the title of « Deputy of Madagascar ». 

Article 70: A decree taken in the Council of Ministers establishes the number of members of the National Assembly, the distribution of the seats on the whole of the national territory as well as the divisions of the electoral circumscriptions.


Article 69. Les membres de l'AssemblÈe nationale sont Èlus pour cinq ans au suffrage universel direct. Le rÈgime des scrutins est dÈterminÈ par une loi organique. Les membres de l'AssemblÈe nationale portent le titre de ´ DÈputÈ de Madagascar. 

Article 70. Un dÈcret pris en Conseil des ministres fixe le nombre des membres de l'AssemblÈe nationale, la rÈpartition des siËges sur l'ensemble du territoire national ainsi que le dÈcoupage des circonscriptions Èlectorales.


The 2010 Constitution does not reiterate its predecessors in defining the electoral system for the National Assembly. Note that a lot of the general detail of the organism is contained in a separate organic law of 2012, No. 5. This is not a parallel system, but it is not a simple one: votes in SMDs are counted by FPTP, votes in 2MDs by List PR.

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