Electoral system for national legislature



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ROYAL DECREE NO. 86/97 On the Formation of the Council of Oman

Article (21): Majlis A'Shura shall consist of representatives of the Wilayats (districts) of the Sultanate, and whose election should be conducted as follows:

a. Each wilayat (district), the population of which is 30 thousand or more, shall elect two representatives.

b. Each wilayat (district), the population of which is less that 30 thousand, shall elect one representative.

c. Election results shall be announced by the Minister of Interior. Those who acquire the highest number of votes shall be representatives of their respective wilayats (districts) at the Majlis.

d. The Minister of Interior, in co-ordination with the concerned authorities, shall issue a statement of the wilayats (districts) classified according to the size of their population. He shall also issue the regulation charter for the  A’Shura Council elections through a ministerial decision.


Wilayats (districts) with the population of 30 thousand or more elect two representatives, and wilayats (districts) with the population less than 30 thousand elect one representative.

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