Is e-voting currently used in any elections with EMB participation?

Equatorial Guinea
According to the AfricanUnion Election Observation Mission to the Equatorial Guinea 2013 legislativeelections findings, voters used ballots and only voted on presentation of a voter’scard. After voting, the voters placed the votes in a booth that had beendesignated for the voting process.
A press release by eturbonews also gives the voting procedure during the 2011 referendum; There werestands in every town with a printed list of names. When people arrived at thestand, they showed their documentation to poll workers, who found their name onthe voter list and handed a ballot to the voter. The people voted in a privatebooth and then folded their ballot and placed it in a clear box in front of thetable attendant. To conclude the voting process, each individual placed his orher fingerprint on a voting receipt in order to prevent anyone from votingtwice.