28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?

"Section 62 A political party may receive revenue from the following sources:
(1) contributions under Section 9 paragraph two
(2) fees and political party subscriptions as prescribed by the political party’s regulations;
(3) proceeds from the sale of political party products or services;
(4) money, property or any other benefit, derived from the political party’s fund-raising activities;
(5) money, property or any other benefit of financial value, derived from donations;
(6) subsidies from the Fund for Development of Political Parties;
(7) accruements and revenue, derived from the political party’s money, property or any other benefit;
The acquisition of (2) (3) (4) and (5) shall be issued receipt or evidence of receiving in the form of letter provided by the Election Commission.
The sale of political party products and services under (3) and the political party’s fund-raising activities under (4) shall be under the rules and procedures prescribed by the Election Commission.
The revenue of political party shall not be used for purposes beyond the operation of political party.
Section 81 Within thirty days after the end of a fiscal year, the Election Commission shall prescribe the allocation of subsidy to political parties for the next fiscal year..."
Source: Sections 62, 81, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)