4. Is there a ban on corporate donations to candidates?

§ 607. Acceptance and use of contributions.
(a) It shall be unlawful for a foreign national directly or through any other person to make any contribution in connection with an election to any national or state elective office, or in connection with any convention or caucus to select candidates for any national or state elective office or in support of or in opposition to any national or state ballot measure; or for any person, including any candidate, to solicit, accept, or receive any such contribution from a foreign national.
(b) No contribution of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more may be made unless by check or money order, drawn on a bank located in the Republic, containing the name of the contributor and the name of the payee. No expenditure of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more may be made in cash.
(c) No contribution may be made, directly or indirectly, by any person in a name other than the name by which the person is identified for legal purposes.
(d) Unless returned to the contributor, all monetary contributions shall be deposited into a single account in a bank located in the Republic within seventy two (72) hours of their receipt, and all expenditures of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more shall be made by way of a check drawn on this account. The candidate shall inform the Commission of the name of the bank and the account number within five business days of establishing the account.
(e) A candidate may expend contributions only for purposes reasonably related to the election of that candidate to the office sought by the candidate.
Source: Article 607, Palau National Code, Title 33 Public Employment Chapter 6 Code of Ethics revised edition April 2014
Palau National Code lists only foreign donations as banned