41. Are there limits on the amount a candidate can spend?




Article 41 Electoral funds

1. Citizens, from the time of their nomination as candidates and until provision of documents for registration, shall establish their own electoral funds for financing of the election campaign. A political party, which has nominated a list of candidates, shall establish an electoral fund within five calendar days after registration by the election commission of the authorized representative of the political party for financial issues to finance its election campaign pursuant to the procedure established by articles 54 and 62 hereof. In case of an official refusal to register a candidate or a list of candidates, the resources received by the electoral fund shall be returned to the organizations and persons who provided donations and made transfers. Candidates and political parties, which nominated a list of candidates after the registration shall continue maintaining open accounts of their electoral funds for funding of the election campaign. Candidates, running as a part of the list of candidates, shall not be entitled to create their own electoral funds.

Article 54 Election fund of the candidate for presidency

3. The maximum amount of candidate's expenditures from the election fund may not exceed the estimated index more than 500000 times.

Article 60 Procedure of nominating candidate for deputy lists

2. The right to nominate candidates for Jogorku Kenesh deputies shall belong to political parties, which were officially registered and/or reregistered in the established manner as of the date of official publication of the decision on calling of the election. The state executive power body authorized to perform political parties’ state registration shall form a list of the registered political parties and within 3 calendar days after the decision on calling of the election came into force it shall arrange for publication of the list in the official publications of the regulatory acts of the Kyrgyz Republic with the indication of the leader of each political party. The list shall be forwarded to the Central Election Commission within the same period. The decision on nomination of the list of candidates shall be made by secret ballot at a political party congress.

(Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On elections of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and deputies of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2011, available at http://www.legislationline.org/download/action/download/id/4016/file/Kyrgyz_Const_Law_Presidential_and_parliam_Elections_2011_en.pdf accessed February 2018).    


There is a limit on the amount a presidential candidate can spend.

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