41. Are there limits on the amount a candidate can spend?




Civil Servants Election and Recall Act


Article 41: The maximum campaign fund of each kind of civil servants shall be publicized by the election commission on the same day when the public notice for election is issued except for the national integrated election and overseas election of central civil servants. The maximum campaign fund referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be calculated pursuant to the following provisions: 1. For the election of members of the Legislative Yuan, municipal councilors, county (city) councilors, the representatives of a township (city) congress, and the representatives of an Indigenous district congress , the maximum shall be the sum of 70 % of the total population of the electoral district divided by the quota of elect and the multiply by the basic amount of NT$ 30, plus a fixed amount. 2. For the election of a municipal mayor, the governor of a county (city), the chief of an Indigenous district, and the chief of a village (borough), the maximum shall be the sum of 70 % of the total population of the electoral district divided by the quota of elect and then multiplied by the basic amount of NT$ 20, plus a fixed amount. The fixed amount referred to in the preceding Paragraph is NT$ 10,000,000 for each member of the Legislative Yuan and municipal councilor, NT$ 6,000,000 for a county (city) councilor, NT$ 2,000,000 for a representative of an Indigenous district congress, NT$ 50,000,000 for a municipal mayor, NT$ 30,000,000 for the governor of a county (city), NT$ 6,000,000 for the chief of a township (city) and NT$ 200,000 for the chief of a village (borough). If the maximum campaign fund has a mantissa of less than NT$1000, it shall be rounded to NT$ 1,000 by transfer method. The total population in the electoral districts referred to in Paragraph Two refers to the total population of household statistics on the final day of the sixth month before the month of polling.

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