Electoral system for national legislature




Electoral Act, 2008-07-15, http://aceproject.org/ero-en/regions/africa/SD/sudan-electoral-law-2008/view

Article 29. The National Assembly shall be composed of four hundred and fifty electedmembers, as follows:

(a) Sixty percent of the members of the National Assembly shall be electedto represent geographical constituencies in the Republic of Sudan;

(b) Twenty five percent of the women members shall be elected on the basisof proportional representation at the state level from separate and closedparty lists; and

(c) Fifteen percent of members shall be elected on the basis of proportionalrepresentation at the state level from separate and closed party lists.


Article 32. (1) Subject to the provisions ofsection 29(3), a voter shall cast one vote for one candidate of those listed on her/his geographical constituency ballot paper.  (2) The candidate with the highest number of valid votes in the geographical constituency shallbe declared the winner.


NOTE: The part of the Act dealing with SouthernSudan Legislative Assembly is not applicable any more, because this side of theland it is today South Sudan. However, the Electoral Act has not yet beenchanged.

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