Helena Schwertheim
Helena Schwertheim
Helena Schwertheim is an Associate Programme Officer in the Democracy Assessment and Political Analysis Unit since 2018.
Schwertheim’s research and work focuses on policy-orientated analysis and democratic trend assessment at the global, regional and local level, and has been part of the core team leading the development of the first edition of The State of Global Democracy publication since 2016.
Schwertheim’s previous work experience at International IDEA was within the Democracy, Conflict and Security Unit, where she assisted on developing IntegiTAS, a tool that assesses the threat of the nexus between organized crime and democratic politics.
Previously, Schwertheim worked as a consultant for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise office in Spain. Schwertheim also interned at the Spanish foreign-policy think tank FRIDE, and the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung in Colombia.
International IDEA Publications:
Innovations in Anti-Corruption Approaches: A Resource Guide, 2017
Measuring Public Support for Democracy: A Resource Guide, 2017