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Luis José Consuegra

Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Officer

Luis José Consuegra is the Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Specialist at the Office of the Secretary-General in Stockholm.

He contributes to the External Relations team with his expertise on prospecting donors and donor relations, concept refinement and strategic writing, project stewardship and relationship management, internal coordination and operations, partnership agreements, strategy and communications.

In this capacity, Consuegra focuses on identifying and consolidating key partnerships with institutions working in the field of democracy and development, as well as with private foundations and other institutional donors to ensure the alignment of thematic priorities, and the coordination of efforts to advance democracy worldwide.

Consuegra supports all resource mobilization and partnership development, particularly for the work that International IDEA advances in the field through its Regional Offices in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Latin America, and through its country offices.

With more than 15 years of experience in the field of international affairs, Consuegra specializes on External Relations and International Affairs, specifically in partnership development, inter-institutional relations, youth initiatives and resource mobilization. Before joining International IDEA in 2015, he had appointments at the Organization of American States (OAS), at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Universidad del Norte in Colombia.

Partnerships; Resource Mobilization; Global and Regional Organizations; Gender and Democracy; Democracy and Development; Communications; Project Management
M.A. in International Affairs and Diplomacy, UNITAR and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2019); M.A. in International Affairs – Concentration in International Politics and International Organizations, American University, Washington, D.C. USA (2012); B.A. in International Relations, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia (2008)
English, Spanish
Panama City, Panama
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