If official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system, at which level results are entered into an electronic tabulation system?



Between polling station level and central level (see comments)

Bulgaria, Electoral Code (2014, amended by SG. 107/18 Dec 2020), accessed 11 April 2021

Articles 271, 273, 285, 288


Additional clarification of the tabulation process was obtained from the Bulgarian EMB: Voting results are counted at the polling stations after the closing of the election day, for which a protocol on paper carrier is drafted according to a sample form approved by Central Election Commission (CEC). The ballot papers are counted by hand at the polling station. The protocols are then delivered to the respective municipal election commissions (MECs) / regional election commissions (RECs) where a database with the registered results from all polling stations on the territory of the respective MECs/RECs is generated. In electronic format, the results are published on the websites of the relevant MECs/RECs and also on the CEC website. The scanned protocols from polling stations are also published immediately after the tabulation of data from the protocols in the MECs/RECs. Such data are accessible at present also through the “Archive” section of the CEC website.

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