3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties?




"The financial resources of a political party come from:
a) membership fees;
b) contributions and donations made by a natural or legal person;
(c) grants received from the public treasury;
d) revenues from their publications;
e) the benefits of the social activities it organizes;
f) Citizen contributions obtained from fundraising campaign by all
modern means of communication;
(g) financial support from institutions, foundations and sister parties;
They cannot receive other donations from the organs of the Executive, the Parliament or the Judiciary,
local or territorial authorities, decentralized or decentralized autonomous bodies. They
cannot benefit directly or indirectly from  resources or means belonging to
to the State, other than regularly allocated funding."
Source: Article 34, Loi sur la formation, le fonctionnement et le financement des partis politiques, 2014

"Les partis peuvent financer leurs activités avec les contributions et dons de personnes physiques ou
morales non liées aux activités illicites." Source: Article 43, Loi sur la formation, le fonctionnement et le financement des partis politiques, 2014



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