In light of the negotiations on accession to the EU, which strengthened incentives to consolidate democracy and provided the right opportunity for a democracy assessment, a State of Democracy assessment was developed in Latvia in 2005. Its goal was to encourage discussion and research on topics relevant to Latvian development. The study was carried out by the Commission of Strategic Analysis and the Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia. The commission was established in April 2004 under the auspices of the office of the president and comprised well-known Latvian scholars. The methodology used for this State of Democracy assessment was considered a 'hybrid', as it was led by the government but also involved civil society and academia as key players. This report on this first assessment was supplemented by an additional report monitoring Latvia's democratic development between 2005-07.

As a follow-up to the implementation of the State of Democracy assessment, it was decided to establish regular democracy-monitoring actions. Moreover, the assessments helped foster a debate on democratic values and development, citizen participation and political self-awareness. Finally, the report has been utilized to analyse and support areas such as local democratic structures as well as media and press freedom.

Assessment Reports

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