A message from the Secretary-General
If the story of the last few decades is one of increased freedom and prosperity under the spreading umbrella of democracy, the story of the last few years is one of democracy under threat. The starkest example of this is Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which represents an attack not just on lives and livelihoods, but also on the promise of democracy. Indeed, democracy now faces pressure globally, with authoritarian regimes tightening their grip and too many elected leaders adopting authoritarian tactics to cling to control. Meanwhile, misinformation campaigns, political polarization and rising inequality are eroding people’s trust that democracy can deliver on their needs and expectations.
Message from the Secretary-General
If the story of the last few decades is one of increased freedom and prosperity under the spreading umbrella of democracy, the story of the last few years is one of democracy under threat. The starkest example of this is Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which represents an attack not just on lives and livelihoods, but also on the promise of democracy. Indeed, democracy now faces pressure globally, with authoritarian regimes tightening their grip and too many elected leaders adopting authoritarian tactics to cling to control. Meanwhile, misinformation campaigns, political polarization and rising inequality are eroding people’s trust that democracy can deliver on their needs and expectations.
Amid such complex, mounting and intersecting challengestodemocracy,InternationalIDEA’swork is more important than ever. Our 34 Member States come from every region and represent more than a quarter of humanity: as diverse as the planet, and united in a commitment to make democracy stronger, more inclusive and more sustainable. With their support, International IDEA supports democracy globally through capacity development, research, convening of dialogues and advocacy. In the last year, we have expanded our efforts in all of these areas.
Working across more than 60 countries, International IDEA’s on-the-ground projects ranged from supporting young parliamentarians in Bhutan to helping achieve peaceful elections in The Gambia. We helped design new constitutions; strengthened election processes and parliaments; mentored officials in new and fragile democracies; and supported the political participation of disadvantaged minorities, indigenous groups and women throughout the Global South. Our program delivery is complemented by a strong foundation in knowledge production. Our Global State of Democracy initiative encapsulates this work as a think-tank. Over the years since it began, the initiative has grown to assess the democratic status of 173 countries and has become a must-read for policymakers, journalists and researchers. In 2022, the findings from this endeavor were published more than 750 times in international media. The timeliness and relevance of our democracy assessment work has been enhanced by the launch of a new Democracy Tracker.
While sustaining and expanding this core work, International IDEA broke new ground in 2022. Our new institutional strategy formally incorporates the intersections of democracy with climate change and digitalization, launching two new workstreams in these areas. The strategy also reinforces International IDEA’s mandate in convening and advocacy, bolstering its unique voice for democracy. The Institute also enhanced its membership, with the United States joining as an official observer. This 2022 Annual Review shows some of the highlights of our work over the past year. Whether you are a democracy researcher, a policy practitioner, a civil society activist, a prospective donor, or an engaged citizen, I invite you to follow our work and partner with us. Democracy is all of us–and we are all needed to preserve its future.

International IDEA’s reach around the world

Sweden – Botswana
Kevin Casas-Zamora, International IDEA Secretary- General meets the President of the Republic of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi at the International IDEA headquarters in Stockholm.

Leena Rikkila Tamang, International IDEA Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, meets the Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the Bali Democracy Forum 2022.

Miguel Orlando Mendes de Brito, International IDEA Head of Programme for Mozambique, responds to questions related to an introductory workshop on the Electoral Risk Management Tool for the Mozambican Elections Commission.

Sam van der Staak, International IDEA Regional Director for Europe, meets OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann.

Kevin Casas-Zamora, International IDEA Secretary-General, and Adina Trunk, International IDEA Chief of Staff, meet Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, Election Commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey and the Election Commission of India leadership team.

International IDEA’s Latin America and Caribbean programme team holds electoral mission to Brazil on 2 October 2022. From left to right: Laura Chinchilla, Former President of Costa Rica; Salvador Romero Ballivian, Head of International IDEA in Paraguay; Mónica Xavier, Former Senator of Uruguay; Katherine Batista, Programme Assistant for the Regional Office LAC; Kevin Casas-Zamora, International IDEA Secretary-General; Daniel Zovatto, International IDEA Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean; Marta Lucía Ramírez, Former Vice President of Colombia; Isabel Aninat, International IDEA Board member.

United States
International IDEA at the Global Forum in New York 22 September 2022. From left to right: Massimo Tomassoli, International IDEA Director of Global Programmes; Daniel Zovatto, International IDEA Regional Director for LAC; Kevin Casas-Zamora, International IDEA Secretary-General; Leonel Antonio Fernández Reyna, Former President of the Dominican Republic; and Natasha Despotovic, Executive Director for Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD). Credit: GFDD.
For the past 27 years, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has honored its mandate to promote and advance democracy worldwide.
This Annual Review highlights our global contributions as a think-and do-tank dedicated to researching, delivering comparative knowledge resources and supporting in the implementation of democratic practices that help everyone build and maintain inclusive and resilient democracies.
A world in which everyone lives in inclusive and resilient democracies.
International IDEA advances, promotes and protects sustainable democracy worldwide in consideration of human rights commitments through policy-relevant knowledge, capacity development, advocacy, and the convening of dialogues.
Supporting democracy worldwide
How we work
International IDEA’s working modalities constitute a reinforcing loop of knowledge production, capacity development, advocacy and the convening of dialogues. International IDEA’s comparative knowledge and research inform its capacity development; these have policy influence and inform advocacy, and enable the convening of dialogues. In turn, capacity development in the field provides valuable lessons for knowledge production, policy influence and advocacy, enabling continuous learning within the Institute.
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Supporting Democracy Worldwide
Our Impact Stories

Global State of Democracy Becomes Go-to Report for Policymakers and Media

The United Nations: Advocating for Democracy Worldwide

Global Democracy Coalition Recommends Actions for Second Summit for Democracy

Preparing for the Impact of Natural Hazards on Elections

A Forum for Constitution-makers and Conflict Mediators to Influence International Policy

Sudan's Democracy Academy inspires young women to engage in politics

Helping to provide peaceful presidential elections in The Gambia

Assisting Bhutan’s young parliament establish public hearings and civil society collaboration

New App Helps Electoral Officials and Civil Society to Counter Electoral Gerrymandering

Working with Myanmar's Government Leaders and Activists in Exile

Bringing Civil Society Voices to EU's Democracy Policymaking

Helping Ukraine's Parliament Operate Effectively in Time of War

Supporting the drafting of laws in Paraguay that promote women in politics

Using theatre in Peru to raise awareness of the rights of marginalized groups
Global State of Democracy Becomes Go-to Report for Policymakers and Media

Seema Shah, International IDEA Democracy Assessment Head, presents the findings of the Global State of Democracy 2022 Report at the launch event in Stockholm. Credit: Malin Huusmann

An event participant holds the State of Democracy 2022 Report at the launch in Stockholm. Credit: Malin Huusmann
The GSoD is used by international development donors to help them prioritize the allocation of democracy assistance funds and to design projects and programmes. Its findings have been cited by the likes of the US Senate, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Finnish Innovation Fund and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In 2022, for example, Sida reported that its Africa department systematically uses the categories in the GSoD Indices conceptual framework when compiling results for annual strategy reports.
In 2022, the GSoD Initiative and its products were reported in 27 languages in 791 articles across international media, from the BBC to Al Jazeera, the Times of India, the Washington Post and Brazil's Globo. Pakistan's Express Tribune highlighted how the country measured against the GSoD Indices and reflected on the report's assessment of Pakistan's overall democratic performance.
The Sida Department for Africa uses GSoD's categories when compiling results from the annual strategy reports, i.e.. Representative Government, Fundamental Rights, etc. The compilation is made in Excel format. It is the most systematic use of the GSoD. The GSoD, or other indices, are also used in the analysis of political developments in individual strategy reports and in analyses forming the basis for country strategies.Mikael Boström, Sida
Funding | Core, European Union, Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Theme |
Democracy Assessment
Pillar |
The United Nations: Advocating for Democracy Worldwide

International IDEA has also been a strong voice around SDG16 on peace, justice and strong institutions, through the SDG16 Data Initiative. The Initiative is a consortium of 17 partner organizations that makes key recommendations on SDG16 in an annual report.
Funding | Core |
Pillar |
Global Democracy Coalition Recommends Actions for Second Summit for Democracy

The Global Democracy Coalition, a multi-stakeholder coalition of more than 100 democracy organizations, convened forums in 2021 and 2023 to provide a space for inclusive dialogue, ahead of each Summit for Democracy.

Biden Administration hosts Summit for Democracy. Credit: US State Department Facebook Page
Thanks for everything that you are doing for the Year of Action and the Summit for Democracy Process through the Global Democracy Coalition and all other efforts and contributions by International IDEA. You are filling important gaps and are enabling a platform for more stakeholders to engage and be part of the Summit process.Laura Thornton, Senior Vice President at the German Marshall Fund
Funding | Core, Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Pillar |
Preparing for the Impact of Natural Hazards on Elections

Indonesian election officials transport ballot boxes from polling stations on a boat as they wade through flood water in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 18 April 2019. Credit: EPA-EFE/IQBAL KUSUMADIREZZA

Destroyed building after earthquake in Haiti.
Our reporting on the Impact of Natural Hazards on Elections provides an insight into the strategies that can be used to protect elections from adverse effects that are likely to increase with climate change, such as flooding and wildfires, as well as non-climate change specific disasters such as earthquakes. Case studies on Haiti, Mozambique, the United States and Indonesia provide a closer look at this topic.
Funding | Core |
Theme |
Electoral Processes
Pillar |
Capacity Development
A Forum for Constitution-makers and Conflict Mediators to Influence International Policy

Demonstration in Sudan. Photo by: Hind Mekki on Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/hmekki/49174020573/in/dateposted/ ) (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
The first of its kind, this gathering has influenced approaches to constitution-building in Myanmar and South Sudan, among other countries.
More concretely, one policy paper has informed the Myanmar National Unity Government in its thinking around drafting a constitutional framework for a future transition from military rule to democracy. Policy papers on 'Sequencing Peace Agreements' and 'Constitutions in the Political Settlement Process' provided advice to the UK government on transitional constitutional arrangements to inform the Vienna Process on Syria.
The Edinburgh Dialogues and Women Constitution Makers Network have made recommendations that have been taken on board by entities such as the UK government and the UN Mediation Support Unit. The learning has supported processes in places as diverse as The Gambia, Sudan and Myanmar. Importantly, the Dialogues have built across mediator-constitution maker divides, to address the political dynamics of constitution making as a peacemaking tool in ways that inform both communities and practitioners.CHRISTINE BELLAssistant Principal (Global Justice), Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Edinburgh, Founder and Director of Global Justice Academy and former International IDEA Board Member
Funding | UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office |
Theme |
Pillar |
Capacity Development
Sudan's Democracy Academy inspires young women to engage in politics

The first cohort of the Young Women Democracy Academy at a graduation event co-hosted by International IDEA Sudan’s Programme in August 2022.

Participants of the Young Women Democracy Academy during registration. Khartoum, Sudan.
I did not realize I was in the darkness of isolation until I came to the light of participation and solidarity with my colleagues …. The discussions, debates and disagreements between us opened a wide door that ignited in me a desire to learn, discuss and share.Muzan Elfatih, 19
Funding | Embassy of Sweden in Khartoum, Sudan |
Theme |
Political Participation and Representation
Gender and Inclusion
Pillar |
Capacity Development
Helping to provide peaceful presidential elections in The Gambia

Officials at a polling station prepare to count votes in The Gambia’s presidential election (2021). This was the first presidential election in The Gambia since the long-standing dictator Yahya Jammeh was ousted from power in 2017. Credit: Sally Hayden / SOPA Images/Sipa USA
International IDEA supported the peaceful presidential elections and a stable aftermath by providing dialogue, outreach and training for civil society organizations, journalists, members of political parties and government officials. One outcome was a Code of Conduct signed by presidential and parliamentary election candidates. Another was the creation of a high-level group of Gambian Moral Guarantors led by Dr Mohamed Chambas, a politician and Head of the UN Office for West Africa.
International IDEA has been very pivotal in the successful conduct of this election cycle. This makes International IDEA a key building-block not only in the democratic process of The Gambia, but also as a key peace building pillar for this country.Alieu Momar Njai, Chair of the Independent Electoral Commission
Funding | UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
Theme |
Electoral Processes
Pillar |
Capacity development
Assisting Bhutan’s young parliament establish public hearings and civil society collaboration

The Parliament of Bhutan and civil society organizations are working together to improve the legislative process, under the Project ‘Nyamdrel.

A workshop designed to increase the use of public hearings in Bhutan’s parliamentary process, May 2022 process.
International IDEA helped parliament to devise a strategy on public hearings and a renewed and more accessible parliamentary website. Legislators were given training in communications and the importance of engaging with civil society organizations as the country prepares to tackle its most protracted problems - from domestic violence to political participation and youth engagement.
It's really about knowing the domain and then the teaching, discussing successes, struggles and challenges. What are the things they need? What do they need support in, in terms of legislation and policy?Phuntshok Choden, Executive Director of the Bhutan Network for Empowering Women (BNEW)
Funding | European Union. This project was implemented by International IDEA and Helvetas Bhutan. |
Theme |
Political Processes and Representation
Pillar |
Capacity Development
New App Helps Electoral Officials and Civil Society to Counter Electoral Gerrymandering

International IDEA, Electoral Redistricting App
This free and open-source tool allows users to democratize the process of delimiting boundaries and to design their own constituency maps to further both research and debate. The app is secure and can be used off-line, which is helpful for users in remote locations with poor Internet access. It also provides resources that users can access to identify how crucial electoral representation is in a democracy.
I found it to be so user-friendly and enjoyed that I could download it or use it online. It's a very quick and easy way [to create boundary maps].Mun Hao Yoong, a civil engineer based in Indonesia
Funding | Core |
Theme |
Electoral Processes
Pillar |
Capacity Development
Working with Myanmar's Government Leaders and Activists in Exile

Photo credit: Visual Rebellion.
Workshops have included training on negotiation, which is especially important given the myriad of political parties, members of parliament, ethnic armed groups and broader civil society working for an eventual return of Myanmar to democracy.
I am getting to understand well about constitutional democracy. I can distinguish better regarding rights and, since I could learn about judicial independence, constitutional review, federalism, and [the] separation of powers, it supports my teaching, learning and research and I [have] gained knowledge about the essential elements in the design of constitutional reforms and amendments for our country.Attendee at the Constitution Academy
Funding | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway; Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland; and Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden |
Theme |
Pillar |
Capacity Development
Bringing Civil Society Voices to EU's Democracy Policymaking

Bruno Maes for International IDEA

Bruno Maes for International IDEA
Including the voices of civil society as a key democracy actor and stakeholder is a core priority of EU institutions and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
We have to make democracy tangible and relevant to the people we wish to work with.Christian Leffler
Standing up for democracy and the rule of law is standing up for those who have less power and no voice. I look forward to working with International IDEA, Sweden, and EU member states because together we can advance democracy in Europe and beyond.Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnershipsat the launch conference of International IDEA's Recommendations Report
For online report: View the International IDEA's Flickr launch event album and event videos.
Funding | European Union and Sweden |
Pillar |
Helping Ukraine's Parliament Operate Effectively in Time of War

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy visits Bucha town after liberation from Russian occupiers during Russian Ukrainian war, April 2022. Credit: Dmytro Larin, Shutterstock

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Ukrainian Parliament in Kyiv, Ukraine, 29 August 2019. Credit: Shutterstock https://www.shutterstock.com/sv/g/vlad_musiienko
The network has also addressed questions from citizens, ranging from labour and employment rights under martial law to the operation of the courts. Legal advice was provided to citizens through social media, leading to 580,000 views on Facebook.
Funding | Core |
Theme |
Political Processes and Representation
Pillar |
Supporting the drafting of laws in Paraguay that promote women in politics

In parallel, International IDEA has supported women's groups to develop advocacy strategies, by providing civil society organizations with facts and arguments to build strong networks and alliances. The collaboration led to a social media campaign and attempts to build a civil society alliance to give voice to politically marginalized groups such as women, young people, the disabled and Indigenous people.
Funding | European Union, EMB and the Superior Tribunal for Electoral Justice (TSJE). The school also received inputs from the United Nations Development Programme, the Ministry for Women, the Senate Gender and Equity Commission and the Paraguayan Network of Municipal Women. |
Theme |
Political Processes and Representation
Gender and Inclusion
Pillar |
Capacity Development
Using theatre in Peru to raise awareness of the rights of marginalized groups

A scene from the play “Danzaré hasta transformarlo todo” (I will dance until I change it all). A group of young people train for a folk dance competition, while reflecting on the last political changes of the country and how they affect them.

The plays provoked debate during the election campaigns, as candidates for the regional and municipal elections in districts of Lima pushed for the signing of municipal commitments. The project is one of several International IDEA projects helping to support democracy in the Andean nation, which has been beset by political instability, violent protest and police crackdowns.
Read more in English or Spanish.
I am very grateful for this opportunity provided by International IDEA with other organizations because it is very important that art spaces are generated in which high-quality conditions have been given to create, create in freedom and create [art] about problems that are important for our nation.Andrea Valdivia, Director of the play "I Will Dance to Transform Everything"
Funding | This initiative by the International IDEA office in Peru was carried out with the sponsorship of USAID and the support of The Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion (LUM), of the Ministry of Culture of Peru, the Peruvian Network of Afro-descendant Youth (Ashanti Perú), Más Igualdad Perú, Society and Disability (SODIS) and Capaz Perú. |
Theme |
Political Processes and Representation
Gender and Inclusion
Pillar |
Capacity Development
International IDEA in numbers
Top Media mentions

Funding by theme
Member States and Donors’ contributions to the work of International IDEA are instrumental to advance our shared vision of achieving a more resilient and inclusive democracy for all. We are pleased to recognize our donors who have partnered with us for the delivery of key outcomes for democracy in 2022.
Top 10 Project donors

Top 10 Core funders