Electoral system for national legislature

North Macedonia, Republic of

North Macedonia, Republic of

List PR

Electoral Code (2006, amended in 2011)

Article 4


(2) In the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, 123 Members of Parliament shall be elected, from which 120 according to proportional model, whereby the territory of the Republic of Macedonia shall be divided into six electoral districts determined in this Code and for each electoral district 20 Members of Parliament shall be elected, 3 Members of Parliament shall be elected according to the majority model in one round of elections of which 1 Member of Parliament from each of the three electoral districts in Europe and Africa, in Northern and Southern America, and in Australia and Asia respectively, as determined by this Code.

 (3) In the electoral district the number of voters may vary at most from minus 5% to plus 5% in reference to the average number of voters in the electoral district, with the exception of the electoral districts in Europe and Africa, North and South America and Australia and Asia.

(4) The election of the Members of Council shall be administered on the territory of the municipality according to the proportional system.

(5) The election of a Mayor shall be administered on the territory of the municipality according to the majoritarian system.


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